
 2021-04-07 12:04

摘 要





An Study on the Impact of Social Commerce on Consumer Purchase Intention


The rapid development of electronic commerce and social networks produce the combination of these two-social commerce under the web2.0 environment. More and more customers are going to participate in the social share of e-commerce and recommendations. At the same time, industries also compete to dabble in this piece of "blue ocean". Sharp, the founder of foreign well-developed social e-commerce sites—pinterest, predicted that social e-commerce will become the next "break point" in the field of electricity.

This thesis mainly studies the influence of social commerce on consumer purchase intention, defines the related concepts of social commerce,and on the basis of theoretical analysis , the thesis puts forward the concept model from three dimensions:the socialization of e-commerce sites, content presenter and recommendations, taking the consumer trust as a intervening variable, the trust tendency as regulating variable.And then through SPSS, AMOS software to the conceptual model for hypothesis testing. The results showed that consumer trust factor is the most important factor of socialization electricity users purchase intention,the second is the website reputation, the relationship between strength and the professionalism of the referee.Site of perceived usefulness and recommendations of visual cues directly influence consumers' willingness to buy, not through the mediating role of trust; and the content presenter's profile and recommend content timeliness only affect consumer trust not affect the purchase intention.In the factors that affect consumer trust,socialization of e-commerce website reputation, the referee's professional ability is the most significant influence on consumer trust,the second is the relationship between intensity. Site of perceived usefulness, referee's profile and recommend content timeliness and visual clues have no significant impact on trust.

Finally, in the hope of contributing to the development of socialization of e-commerce enterprises, this research puts forward some feasible suggestions for the socialization of e-commerce operation according to the result of empirical study.

Key words:social commerce;Consumer’s trust;Purchasing intention;SEM

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1 社会化媒体的发展 1

1.1.2 社会化电子商务的趋势 2

1.2 研究目的和意义 3

1.2.1 研究目的 3

1.2.2 研究意义 3

1.3 相关研究综述 4

1.3.1 社会化电子商务文献综述 4

1.3.2 口碑营销文献综述 6

1.3.3 购买意愿文献综述 8

1.3.4 研究现状评述及启示 9

1.4 研究内容 11

1.5 研究方法与研究框架 11

1.5.1 研究方法 11

1.5.2 论文研究框架 12

1.6 研究创新点 13

第2章 社会化电子商务对消费者购买意愿影响的模型构建 14

2.1 理论基础 14

2.1.1 社会化电子商务相关理论 14

2.1.2 消费者行为理论 15

2.1.3 信任理论 18

2.2 社会化电子商务对消费者购买意愿影响的模型构建 21

2.2.1 模型构建思路 21

2.2.2 概念模型构建 21

第3章 消费者购买意愿影响因子的变量定义及研究假设 23

3.1 社会化电子商务网站特征对消费者信任及购买意愿的影响 23

3.2 内容推荐者特征对消费者信任及购买意愿的影响 24

3.3 推荐内容特征对消费者信任及购买意愿的影响 25

3.4 内容接收者属性对信任的调节作用 26

3.5 信任对消费者购买意愿的影响 26

第4章 社会化电子商务对消费者购买意愿影响的问卷设计 27

4.1 量表设计 27

4.2 问卷设计 30

4.3 问卷前测 30

4.3.1 问卷前测样本描述性统计 31

4.3.2 问卷前测样本信度分析 32

4.3.3 问卷前测样本效度分析 33

4.3.4 问卷问项的检验与修正 34

第5章 实证研究 36

5.1 数据收集 36

5.1.1 调研方法 36

5.1.2 数据分析方法 36

5.2 描述性统计分析 36

5.2.1 样本统计特征 36

5.2.2 观测变量的描述性统计 39

5.3 信度和效度分析 40

5.3.1 信度分析 40

5.3.2 效度分析 41

5.4 结构方程模型分析 43

5.4.1 模型适配度分析 43

5.4.2 模型假设检验 46

5.4.3 结果讨论 49

第6章 研究结论与相关建议 52

6.1 主要研究结论 52

6.2 对策建议 52

6.3 研究不足及展望 54

致 谢 55

参考文献 56




1.1 研究背景

1.1.1 社会化媒体的发展

据调查统计,在国外至少有85%的成年用户会使用社交网站,大部分用户将1/4的时间都花在了社交网站和博客上。国内的社会化媒体虽然起步较晚,但是近几年随着Web2.0的变革,RSS、 Tag、协同推荐、SNS等技术发展迅速,社会化媒体的在线交互能力得到了不断完善,以论坛、微博、微信、社交网站等为载体的社会化媒体如雨后春笋般纷纷涌出,所具有的用户注册和用户创造内容的规模也急剧膨胀,比较典型的有美丽说、蘑菇街、大众点评等社会化媒体。从最初的娱乐应用发展到现在互联网的基础性功能,社会化媒体正在悄无声息地改变人们的生活习惯。根据中国互联网络中心(CNNIC)最新数据显示,截至2014年底,中国网民规模达到了6.51 亿,互联网普及率为47.9%[[1]],详见图1.1,如此大规模的覆盖率,我们可以预测社会化媒体的巨大潜力。


1.1.2 社会化电子商务的趋势


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