
 2021-04-07 12:04

摘 要





The Empirical Research of the Influence of Brand Experience on Brand Loyalty of Network Snake Food Retail Industry


As the developing of food and network retail industry and the expending of market demand of retail l food ,the future of China snack food online market competition will become more intense. Enterprises puts increasing emphasis on brand building. In recent years , scholars from all over the world put forward the theories of brand experience. The influence of brand experience on brand loyalty has become an important topic of researches of brand .

This paper explores the driving pathes between brand experience and brand loyalty. According to the characteristics of online retail food industry, after the examination in the questionnaire before the data analysis , we divided the brand experience of online leisure food retail industry into personal perception inner experience and external related experience, to explore how these two dimensions of brand experience have an impact on brand loyalty through the mediating variables . we constructed structural equation model and put forward the related hypothesis . Datum were collected by random sampling survey, and we use SPSS and AMOS to do data analysis. The results show that : the brand experience in the context of network snack food retail industry can be divided into two kinds——sensory experiences and related experience. There are both the existence of a direct positive drive between brand experience to brand loyalty and an indirect positive through by brand image and customer delivered value.

This paper, studying how the enterprises should do to construct brand experience in e-commerce environment, and analyze how to maintain brand loyalty and improve the competitiveness of one brand by brand experience building, has some practical significance.

Key words:Brand experience;Brand loyalty;Brand image;Customer delivered value;Structural equation model

目 录

1 绪论 - 1 -

1.1问题的提出与意义 - 1 -

1.2 研究思路 - 2 -

1.3 研究方法 - 3 -

2 文献综述 - 4 -

2.1品牌体验概述 - 4 -

2.1.1品牌体验的概念 - 4 -

2.1.2品牌体验的维度划分 - 5 -

2.1.3网络体验的相关理论 - 5 -

2.2.品牌忠诚 - 6 -

2.2.1品牌忠诚的概念 - 6 -

2.2.2品牌忠诚的测量 - 7 -

2.2.3网站的品牌忠诚研究 - 7 -

2.3 品牌体验与品牌忠诚的关系研究 - 7 -

2.4 小结 - 8 -

3 研究模型与假设的提出 - 9 -

3.1 研究模型的提出 - 9 -

3.2 变量含义 - 11 -

3.2.1品牌体验 - 11 -

3.2.2品牌形象 - 11 -

3.2.3顾客让渡价值 - 12 -

3.2.4品牌忠诚 - 12 -

3.3 研究假设 - 13 -

4实证研究设计与模型确立 - 15 -

4.1问卷设计 - 15 -

4.1.1 调查研究方法与量表选择 - 15 -

4.1.2具体问项的设计 - 15 -

4.2问卷前测 - 16 -

4.2.1信度分析 - 16 -

4.2.2效度分析 - 17 -

4.3量表修改与模型确立 - 18 -

5.数据分析与模型修正 - 20 -

5.1基于人口统计特征变量的差异性分析 - 20 -

5.1.1 年龄与各变量间的方差分析 - 20 -

5.1.2 性别与各变量间的方差分析 - 22 -

5.1.3 教育程度与各变量间的方差分析 - 23 -

5.1.4 月收入表与各变量间的方差分析 - 23 -

5.1.5 职业与各变量间的方差分析 - 24 -

5.2信度与效度检验 - 26 -

5.2.1样本信度检验 - 26 -

5.2.2样本效度检验 - 26 -

5.3 拟合情况分析 - 27 -

5.3.1 输出结果分析 - 27 -

5.3.2 模型的修正 - 29 -

5.4 修正模型与假设检验结果 - 34 -

6.结论与展望 - 36 -

6.1结论 - 36 -

6.1.1理论结论 - 36 -

6.1.2实践启发 - 37 -

6.2缺陷与展望 - 37 -

致 谢 - 39 -

参考文献 - 40 -

附录:调查问卷 - 42 -

1 绪论


随着网络技术的逐渐发展和普及,电子商务在当今社会商业运作中的应用愈加广泛。由于个人通过网络平台进行销售的进入成本低、见效快, C2C模式推动网络零售市场快速发展。同时,京东、当当等B2C购物网站也发展迅速,市场份额逐步上升。此外,传统零售行业的电商化步伐也逐渐加快。在网络零售业快速发展的同时,网民数量也在快速的增长,越来越多的网民成为电子商务的消费者大军的一员,且几年来保持着平稳较快的增长速度和趋势,为网络零售市场发展奠定了坚实的基础。


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