
 2021-04-07 12:04

摘 要





A Study on the Online Integration Marketing Strategy of Tutorship Organizations for Graduate Entrance Exam


With the accumulating number of students who take part in the Graduate Entrance Exam (GEE), there are also a growing number of GEE tutorship organizations which fuels the boom of “ GEE economy”. However, as the number and scale of such organizations keep growing, various kinds of problems that appear along with this phenomenon are needed to be solved urgently. Based on the development status and existing defects of these tutorship organizations, the thesis brings up suggestions on how to comprehensively utilize online marketing tools to adjust the integration marketing of GEE-related tutoring products and services, as well as advice and references on how to satisfy the needs of these students and improving tutorship organizations’ service quality. Main research contents are as following:

The thesis analyzes the current development situation of market characteristics and marketing module of GEE tutorship organizations. Because of the large number of students who take GEE, the ever increasing tutorship organizations result to the fiercer peer competitive pressure, and they gradually reveal a market characteristics featured with professionalism, refinement, branding and flexibility. At present, those organizations market mainly through traditional marketing models such as campus lectures, while online marketing is still in the initial stage of exploration. This thesis conducts a questionnaire on the consumer demand of GEE tutorship products. Based on the valid data extracted from the questionnaire, combined with information collected from websites of some prestigious GEE tutorship organizations in Nanjing, the thesis analyzes the online marketing situation of those organizations and problems that are existing. As far as concerned, the demand for online-based tutorship products is steady and diverse, while the online integration marketing for tutorship organizations is not well-developed, the promotion of which also is inefficient and unitary. Besides, the framework and content of those websites are not well-improved and do not receive a high-degree of satisfaction.

From the perspective of network, this thesis offers a systematic integration marketing strategy to tutorship organizations in terms of two aspects, namely the marketing tool and marketing subject, including a deep and correct understanding and targeting the demands of customers, a long-standing and effective one-to-one marketing between the organization and the customer, with a purpose to make a better strategy of online integration marketing.

Key words: tutorship organizations for Graduate Entrance Exam; online integration marketing; marketing model; suggestion

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究动态综述 2

1.2.1 关于网络整合营销的研究 2

1.2.2 关于考研辅导机构网络营销的研究 3

1.2.3 小结 5

1.3 研究内容与方法 6

1.3.1 研究内容 6

1.3.2 研究方法 7

2 考研辅导机构市场特征和传统营销模式分析 8

2.1 考研辅导机构发展概况 8

2.1.1 考研大军数量庞大 8

2.1.2 考研辅导机构众多,辅导产品层次分明 9

2.1.3 行业竞争激烈,企业两极分化的局面愈演愈烈 10

2.2 考研辅导机构的市场特征 11

2.2.1 专业化、精细化培训机构快速成长 11

2.2.2 品牌教育机构胜出,行业霸主羽翼渐丰 12

2.2.3 模式不断创新,市场适应能力不断增强 12

2.3 考研辅导机构的传统营销模式概况 12

2.3.1 讲座营销 13

2.3.2 体验营销 13

2.3.3 电话营销 13

3 考研辅导产品网络营销现状、问题与需求分析 15

3.1 问卷调查设计 15

3.1.1 调查目的与内容 15

3.1.2 调查方法 15

3.1.3 问卷回收情况 15

3.2 考研辅导机构网络营销的现状与问题 16

3.2.1 以线下为主,可信度不高,效果不明显 16

3.2.2 网络营销整体处于起步水平,成熟度较低 18

3.2.3 网络营销力度不到位,形式单一化 19

3.2.4 网站设置不够完善,满意度不高 21

3.3 基于网络渠道的考研辅导机构产品消费需求 24

3.3.1 目标顾客群体固定,市场需求稳定 24

3.3.2 消费需求呈现多样化 25

3.3.3 市场拓宽前景可观 25

4 基于网络视角的考研辅导机构整合营销策略 28

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