
 2021-04-07 12:04

摘 要




Research On The F2O Mode Of Agricultural Product Network Marketing And Its Application


From mid-2014 appearing the concept of F2O, to the beginning of the gradual warming of 2015, F2O is also considered the next strategic high ground under the network integration context. This article is based on F2O model to analyze the network marketing situation of agricultural products, combined with the current status of agricultural products network marketing, agricultural products online shopping as well as sales model were analyzed in this paper. According to the above, we study the improvement scheme and the way of promotion, about the network marketing of agricultural products, so as to the agricultural product network marketing model’s innovation and application, increasing online sales of agricultural products to provide a reference.

The article contains the three aspects. Firstly, the paper studies the theoretical basis of agricultural product network marketing F2O model, classifying the traditional model of network marketing agricultural, as well as, F2O mode’s content and features; Then, according to the network marketing F2O mode's development status of agricultural products and the prospects, to make analysis, finding the characteristics of the development status of the agricultural product network marketing mode, for F2O brand building, effective information campaign, positioning at both ends of differentiation and professional team of high degree, finding the network marketing of agricultural products in F2O mode, there is a lack of scientific planning, lacking scientific understanding, too simple way and lacking professional personnel, and other issues. Excavating agricultural products marketing F2O model has prospects to make agricultural products and TV programs fused, excavating agricultural products marketing F2O model has prospects to make agricultural products and TV programs fused, and emphasize agricultural net marketing F2O model innovation; Finally, applications about agricultural marketing F2O mode, select sand radish to marke segmentation, marke positioning and do product designing, and to establish scientific network marketing F2O mode program, change the concept of network marketing F2O mode, diverse network marketing F2O models and strengthen personnel recruitment and training and other implementation strategies.

Key words:Agricultural products;The network marketing;F2O mode;Application research

目 录

1绪论 - 1 -

1.1 研究背景与意义 - 1 -

1.2 国内外研究动态概述 - 1 -

1.2.1 农产品电子商务主要模式研究 - 1 -

1.2.2 新型的F2O模式农产品网络营销研究 - 2 -

1.3 研究内容与方法 - 4 -

1.3.1 研究内容 - 4 -

1.3.2 研究方法 - 4 -

2农产品网络营销F2O模式的理论基础 - 5 -

2.1 农产品网络营销传统模式分类 - 5 -

2.1.1 初级模式 - 5 -

2.1.3 第三方市场模式  - 6 -

2.2 F2O模式的内涵与特征 - 7 -

2.2.1 F2O模式的定义 - 7 -

2.2.2 F2O模式的作用 - 7 -

2.2.3 F2O模式在农产品网销中的应用条件 - 8 -

3农产品网络营销F2O模式发展状况与前景 - 9 -

3.1 农产品网络营销F2O模式发展状况 - 9 -

3.1.1 品牌建设迅速 - 9 -

3.1.2 信息宣传有效 - 9 -

3.1.3 定位两端分化 - 9 -

3.1.4 团队专业度高 - 9 -

3.2 农产品网络营销F2O模式存在问题及原因 - 9 -

3.2.1 缺乏科学的网络营销F2O模式计划 - 9 -

3.2.2 网络营销F2O模式缺乏科学认识 - 10 -

3.2.3 网络营销F2O模式方式过于简单 - 11 -

3.2.4 网络营销F2O专业性人才缺失 - 12 -

3.3 农产品网络营销F2O模式前景 - 12 -

3.3.1 强调农产品与电视节目相融合 - 12 -

3.3.2 注重农产品网络营销F2O模式创新 - 12 -

4农产品网络营销F2O模式的应用案例 - 14 -

4.1 案例选题与目标设计 - 14 -

4.1.1 案例选题 - 14 -

4.1.2 目标设计 - 14 -

4.2 案例方案设计 - 14 -

4.2.1 沙土萝卜网络营销市场细分 - 14 -

4.2.2 沙土萝卜网络营销市场定位 - 16 -

4.2.3 沙土萝卜网络营销产品设计 - 17 -

4.3 案例方案实施策略 - 18 -

4.3.1 建立科学的网络营销F2O计划 - 18 -

4.3.2 转变网络营销F2O模式观念 - 19 -

4.3.3 多样化网络营销F2O模式 - 20 -

4.3.4 加强人才招聘和培养 - 20 -

结 论 - 22 -

致 谢 - 23 -

参考文献 - 24 -


1.1 研究背景与意义

近几年,随着《舌尖上的中国》不断持续地播出而激起一场有关特产美食的网购热潮。我们发现这类高收视率、高创意度的电视节目,同电子商务网络平台的结合所达到的优质互动,可以促进相关产品的在线销售。因此,在“舌尖”现象背后,如今又诞生了一个新词——F2O,即由“焦点事件 电子商务”(Focus to Online)构成的一种新型模式。F2O模式作用的发挥就是通过一些热点性事件在媒体上形成扩散效应,这样电商平台能够快速推出相应产品,从而满足人们迅速形成的新需求,并且从中也可以反作用地促进热点事件更进一步的升温,最终达到媒体与电子商务二者之间的良性互动(李志军,2014)。


1.2 国内外研究动态概述

1.2.1 农产品电子商务主要模式研究

伴随着经济的发展与人民生活水平的提升,网购消费模式不断得到大众认可,人们对绿色农产品也不断追求,因而农产品电子商务获得到了迅速发展状态(Eva Fernández,2014)。目前有许多农产品在淘宝进行销售,在2014年10月25日农业信息化高峰论坛上,农业部副部长陈晓华发表讲话时提到2013年农产品电子商务交易额已超过500亿元(苏万明等,2014),那么我们可以大胆揣测,2015年农产品的销售额预计会有1500亿元的突破,其他电商平台,如京东商城、1号店等因而也逐步加入到农产品网购这一领域中去。同时,由于经济社会的发展和居民生活水平的提高,市场对农产品需求的种类与数量都在发生着变化,以及人们对农产品价格的敏感,对农产品营销模式提出了更高的要求。电子商务作为一种不同于传统营销模式的创新,有着其突出的优势(王嘉琦,2014)。

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