
 2021-04-06 11:04

摘 要



Research on logistics problems and Countermeasures of Jingdong mall


With the rapid development of e-commerce, the problems in the logistics industry are becoming more and more obvious. Logistics has become a key factor in the development of e-commerce, and solving these logistical problems has become a major problem for many e-commerce platforms. This article will jingdong mall self-built logistics, for example, first of all, the overall analysis, SWOT analysis, five model analysis from jingdong mall enterprise internal and external factors research problems of jingdong. The second empirical analysis, using structural model method, is divided into four dimensions: logistics distribution, logistics distribution speed, product quality and after-sales service. This study according to the model design of the questionnaire, through the online data collection and statistics, using SPSS22 data reliability and structural validity analysis, using AMOS24 path analysis was carried out on the structure model and significance level test. To the final conclusion, the quality of logistics distribution impact on jingdong logistics customer service satisfaction is the largest, followed by the speed of logistics distribution, moreover is the after-sales service, the last is the quality of the product. This paper puts forward some Suggestions for jingdong mall based on the analysis and empirical analysis

Key words:Jingdong Mall;Logistics;The overall analysis;The empirical analysis;Questionnaire

目 录

1 前言 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.1.1网民规模与网购现状 1

1.1.2电子商务物流的现状 2

1.1 .3京东商城及其物流的现状 3

1.2研究内容 4

2 文献综述 6

2.1国内外物流的研究现状 6

2.2京东物流的研究现状 7

2.3文献综述总结 8

3京东物流整体分析 10

3.1京东物流SWOT分析 10

3.2五力模型分析京东物流竞争力 10

3.2.1与第三方物流服务商的竞争分析 10

3.2.2潜在竞争者分析 11

3.2.3 替代品的威胁 11

3.2.4卖方的议价能力 12

3.2.5买方的议价能力 12

3.3问题汇总 12

3.3.1资金问题 12

3.3.2人才招聘任用问题 13

3.3.3员工管理问题 13

3.3.4与第三方物流关系问题 13

4 京东物流的实证分析 14

4.1模型构建与假设 14

4.1.1模型框架 14

4.1.2研究变量与假设说明 15

4.2 模型验证与分析 17

4.2.1结构方程模型构建 17

4.2.2问卷设计与收集 18

4.3数据统计分析 18

4.3.1基础性数据统计分析 18

4.3.2问卷信度分析 19

4.3.3问卷结构效度分析 20

4.4结果汇总与分析 22

4.4.1结果汇总 22

4.4.2结果分析 24

5对策建议 26

结论 29

致谢 30

参考文献 31

附录: 32

1 前言




2016年,中国互联网行业整体向规范化、价值化发展。首先,国家出台多项整治政策加快推动互联网各细分领域有序健康发展,完善互联网发展环境;其次,网民人均互联网消费能力逐步提升,网民在网购、O2O、网络娱乐等领域人均消费均有增长,网络消费增长对国内生产总值增长的拉动力逐步显现;最后,互联网发展对企业影响力提升,随着“互联网 ”的贯彻落实,企业互联网化步伐进一步加快。根据《第39次中国互联网络发展状况统计报告(2016年01月)》 ,截止2016年12月,我国网民规模达到了7.31亿,较2015年底新增网民4299万人,同时,互联网普及率为53.2%,较2015年底提升了2.9个百分点(如图1.1)。


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