
 2021-04-07 12:04

摘 要





Analysis of the Influencing Factors of Consumers, Purchase Channel Choice


Consumers have a greater choice of channels in a multi-channel marketing background. In this paper, the purchase channels consumers can access to are divided into traditional channels and network channels, the role of factors affecting the consumers, purchase channel choice is studied concretely, in order to providing some proposals for the enterprise of managing sales channels.

Through the literature research, this article summarizes the three factors influencing consumers, channel choice behavior: consumer factors, commodity factors and channel factors. It draws assumptions on the basis of theoretical analysis and make an empirical analysis of the research hypotheses mainly using some data analysis methods such as descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, variance analysis and so on.

This paper concludes that: younger, high income, highly educated consumers tend to like network channels; older, low income, less educated consumers tend to be fond of traditional channels; men tend to be traditional channels; women are the opposite; consumers prefer traditional channels during the holidays, during the weekdays consumers, selection of shopping channels are different; goal-oriented and leisure consumers like network channels more; consumers are clined to select traditional channels to purchase higher-priced, experiential commodities and buy lower-priced, searchable goods in the network channels; there is a significant negative correlation relationship between these risks of payment security, product quality and loss of privacy and the consumers, channel choice; commodity brand awareness, timeliness of solving the problem by businesses, quality of after-sales service, the ease to compare goods and payment convenience have a significant positive correlation with the channel choice behavior; the specific impact of convenience of taking delivery and shopping experience on channel choice behavior is not clear.

Key words: Channel selection; Consumer factors; Commodity factors; Channel factors

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 研究方法及技术路线 1

1.2.1 研究方法 1

1.2.2 技术路线 2

1.3 文献综述 3

1.3.1 消费者渠道选择影响因素的模型研究 3

1.3.2 消费者购买渠道选择影响因素的评析研究 4

1.3.3 消费者渠道选择的影响因素的研究现状总结 5

2 研究假设与问卷设计 6

2.1 研究假设 6

2.1.1 消费者因素对消费者购买渠道选择的影响 6

2.1.2 商品因素对消费者购买渠道选择的影响 7

2.1.3 渠道因素对消费者购买渠道选择的影响 8

2.2 问卷设计 9

2.2.1 问卷测量问项的确定 9

2.2.2 问卷的内容 10

2.2.3 问卷的收集方式 10

3 消费者购买渠道选择的影响因素的实证分析 12

3.1 样本特征分析 12

3.2 信度分析 14

3.3 研究假设的分析 15

3.3.1 消费者因素对消费者购买渠道选择的影响分析 15

3.3.2 商品因素对消费者购买渠道选择的影响分析 19

3.3.3 渠道因素对消费者购买渠道选择的影响分析 22

3.4 假设分析的结果及其讨论 26

4 研究结论与展望 29

4.1 主要研究结论 29

4.2 渠道管理对策的建议 29

4.3 研究的不足及未来研究方向 31

致 谢 32

参考文献 33

附录 34

1 绪论

1.1 研究目的及意义


电子商务的迅猛发展已经促使网络购物成为我国人民日常消费的主要途径之一。新兴的互联网企业在这种市场机遇下得到了快速的发展。而传统企业也不甘落后,为适应市场需求纷纷开展网络销售,或自建网络销售渠道,或借助B to C等第三方电商平台。同时很多互联网企反过来向传统企业学习,企业业务开始触及线下渠道,开启了O to O模式。总之,当今企业已能够熟练的运用多渠道营销的策略。对消费者来说,网络渠道相对于传统渠道具有一定的吸引力,它突破了消费者购物的时间、地理位置的限制,能够借助文字、动画、图片、视频等多媒体的形式三百六十度地呈现有关商品属性的信息,同时提供种类丰富的商品供消费者选择,缩减了消费者搜寻、购买商品的时间,较大程度地提高了消费者的购物效率,节省了消费者的交易成本。


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